HNZ 3909, a 2000 Volvo B7TL with Plaxton President bodywork, new as W472 WGH to London General as fleet number PVL72. Originally carrying H41/21D body, it was rebuilt in 2014 to O41/19D and is now operated by Alpine Travel on behalf of City Sightseeing in Llandudno, on the Llandudno and Conwy Tour.
Llandudno, Wales 30th July 2022.
Mark Dolan 11.08.2022, 104 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare
104 1200x900 Px, 11.08.2022
147 1200x900 Px, 02.06.2019
150 1200x900 Px, 01.06.2019
217 1200x900 Px, 19.11.2018